Moving forward with COVID

Another frequently asked question is:

‘How do I protect my staff and business from COVID?’

I feel we are always going to have something like this lingering in this generation.

So, my advice is to have some procedures and policies available and be ready to implement as necessary.

Only this week I suggested to a building contractor to have some masks and some gel available to contractors that wish to use them.

During the winter months we always get the coughs and colds so for many people COVID is just the same symptoms.

My suggestions would be:

  • Have a policy to highlight what staff should come to work with – you need to be careful if people come into work with heavy colds as it could spread quickly and then possibly effect your business with many people off sick and unable to do the work.
  • Have some supplies – tissues, masks, tests or anti-bac.
  • Have back up key staff members to cover First Aid and Fire issues.

You may need to implement a continuity plan for staff absence too.