This month Chestnut Associates celebrates 30 years being in business – wow!!


I thought I would share my personal 10 top tips about being in business:

  1. Always be honest and open with people and always help where you can. Go above and beyond what your clients expect.
  2. No one knows everything and with Health & Safety regulations they change everyday so a positive point has been to say – “I am not 100% sure let me find these details for you”
  3. Be flexible and work with your clients as and when they need you not to a normal 9-5 workday. Many of my clients businesses operate evenings and weekends.
  4. Listen and I mean really listen to your clients and then you will be able to really help them.
  5. Speak to people in a way you would like to be spoken to yourself.
  6. If you have promised information/documents then always provide this as soon as you can.
  7. Always reply to people even if it is to say – I am a bit busy at the moment, however I will come back to you by 3pm, tomorrow or even next week.
  8. Keep in touch with your clients. During the last few months this has been very important even if it has been to make sure they are ok.
  9. Give your time and information freely as much as you can.
  10. Build honest, trustworthy relationships with your clients. I have been working with my clients for many years and respect every single one.

I love helping and supporting my clients and I have solid relationships with them all. They all know I am honest, trustworthy and reliable and I will go above and beyond.

If you need Health & Safety support and want to be valued as a client then please just call Chestnut Associates on 07770 302504 for further information.