Zoom fatigue is there such a thing?
Yes there certainly is and its on the increase unless we do something about it!!
Zoom can make us so tired!! However we need to be moving on a regular basis or have your meeting standing up – which will make a huge difference.
Being on a video call makes you have to concentrate more as we are trying to understand what is being said by a number of people and also working out the body language. Sometimes the time delay can cause lack of interest but really it is down to the internet issues. There is also some times when you really have to concentrate.
Some people are also under the impression that their private lives are being taken away from each other as these calls are happening in our homes too. There used to be separation between work, home, family, friends and now its all mashed into one!!
Some find using tech very stressful and can be frightening for some people. You have to get the zoom code, password, have the software to run zoom, sit comfortably, camera working, use the mute button, understand about the chat etc….
I also think the words “Your on mute” have been the most used words in 2020!!
Some suggestions are:
- Only do the calls that you really have to
- Maybe don’t always turn your camera on?
- In between calls stretch your body, have a glass of water, doing some exercise
- However easy it may seem – try not to multitask – build in the time for clients, emails and posting on social media. Close down all your tabs and turn off your phone really focus on the call and stay present.
- Check your diary for the next week or so – are there any zoom calls you could change to phone calls?
- Set your no meeting time blocks or just have 1 day per week for all meetings or maybe something like meeting free Wednesdays?
- Reduce calls by using email or texting communications.
- Always have an agenda for each meeting.
- Make your meetings shorter in time.
- There have been an increase in eye strain and blue light which has been leading to an increase in headaches etc.
Working from home comes with its own issues, such as…
- Washing machine making a noise
- Someone at the front door
- Deliveries/postman
- Children having to be quiet
- Animals running around the screen.
- Families sharing the wifi
- Having to have the perfect background and work area.
I would suggest you think carefully about arranging zoom calls in the future and see if you can have a phone call instead.
Take care Jo