Why I love to carry out Health & Safety Audits

One of the biggest parts of my work is carrying out a Health & Safety Audit.

I love to carry audits out so that we have a starting point, then I draw up a 12 month plan and get to work with my clients working through at a pace that works for my client.

So what is it?

A health and safety audit is an expert assessment of an organisation’s health and safety policies, systems and procedures.

The health a safety audit should address:

  • Current procedures and systems correct and delivering the expected outcomes
  • Is the organisation protecting the wellbeing of the workforce and complying with the relevant regulations? 

What are the benefits of a health and safety audit?

Annual health and safety audits are widely recognised as best practice for all types of organisations. Audits are much more than just a box-ticking exercise.

Chestnut associates - Joanne Hunt

Why have a health and safety audit?

Companies of all types and sizes consider regular audits to be essential. 

Reasons why you should conduct a health and safety audit:

  1. Health and safety audits reveal much more than just what is going wrong.
  2. Setting up a safety audit system doesn’t just protect employees and customers from injury and illness. It motivates staff by showing them that their employer is serious about their well-being.
  3. A correctly conducted safety audit can safeguard a company’s assets. A serious health and safety incident can lead to unfavourable publicity that damages trade.
  4. When the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) prosecutes for a health and safety breach, they invariably cite failures that an audit would have highlighted.
  5. Every employer is legally obliged to have a health and safety policy in place.

How long does it take?

I usually spend around 2 hours carrying out the on site audit looking at the premises and all documentation. I then write up the report and put it into an action plan for the next 12 months.