March and April Site Highlights

I have attended a number of site inductions, training sessions and safety briefings in the last few weeks.

One was about manual handling on sites, site issues with this and how to be safer and reduce accidents.

Chestnut associates - Joanne Hunt

Another was about the use of masks whilst working with dust. This was a very interesting training session as this also seems to be a very hot topic with the HSE at the moment. There are so many safety breaches which include the location of the equipment, the extraction systems, use of the correct hoovers, face fit tests and masks. It was a great session with many different companies and their safety advisors all working well to pass on information so that we get it right on sites moving forward.

Another was a new site and the principal contractor highlighting their safety minimums for site work – again this was super helpful for everyone that is involved.

These sessions are very powerful as leaders we find out what is expected and pass this information onto our teams to follow. We get chance to discuss, question and put into place best practises.

I really love these sessions as it’s all about working together to raise safety on sites and to ensure we are all working in the same manner to reduce illness and accidents. I always come away from these sessions confident that we are making a difference with safety in construction.