Manual Handling

Did you know that manual handling causes over a third of all workplace injuries? These include work-related musculoskeletal disorders such as pain and injuries to arms, legs and joints, and repetitive strain injuries of various sorts.

Manual handling training and education reduces the number of accidents every year.

Manual HandlingThe term manual handling covers a wide variety of activities including lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling and carrying. When these tasks are not carried out appropriately or correctly there is a risk of injury.

Manual handling injuries can have serious implications for the employer and the person who has been injured. They can occur almost anywhere in the workplace and heavy manual labour, awkward postures, repetitive movements of arms, legs and back or previous/existing injury can increase the risk.   (Credit HSE we couldn’t have written it better ourselves!) 

Our manual handling course provides an introduction for employees who undertake basic manual handling in an office environment.  It covers the Manual Handling Operation Regulations 1992 and other relevant legislation and can be carried out at your workplace

In 2013 more working days were lost to musculoskeletal problems (back and neck pain) than any other cause!

To help prevent injury in the work place where possible it is best to avoid lifting BUT of course this is not always practical.  Ensuring your employees understand the risk and put measures in place prior to moving an item is the first step to reducing the risk of accident. By simply training your staff for a couple of hours can really help and reduce the number of accidents and therefore reduce the number of days sick can really help when running a business. Spending time doing a risk assessment and regular reviews will also support this. Chestnut Associates loves working with companies to support these systems.

Please call Chestnut Associates on 07770 302504 for any further information.