How to implement a safe workplace

Did you know that several recent studies have found that there are 4 million work related injuries that are reported each year?

Why is this number so daunting?

Mainly because employers will face fines and even a possibility of a lawsuit if working conditions are not compliant, or they lack a workplace safety program.

The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) establishes guidelines and policies in which it enforces businesses to comply. These guidelines and policies ensure that workplaces remain free of any hazards or injuries.

Safety in the workplace

Several reports suggest that companies who implement a Workplace Safety Training program are less likely to have work-related injuries due to hazards. There are several tactics on how companies can build and implement a workplace safety program:

  • Commit to workplace safety: It is important to not only have your executive leadership and management on board with workplace safety, but also employees. All employees should be mandated to adhere to safety related policies and protocols.
  • Identify hazards and assess risks: By law, employers are required to protect its employees by a reasonable means of practicality. Supervisors and managers should be strongly encouraged or required to talk to their employees about the possible hazards or risks that will be associated with the job.
  • Develop written programs and processes: Employers should list and clearly outline safety training and hazard protocols in their employees’ job descriptions. Other programs and processes can be developed as a Hazard Communication Program, Emergency Actions Plans or a Fire Prevention Plan.
  • Educate employees: Studies have proved that employees who are more knowledgeable about the hazards and risks associated with their job are less likely to be injured on the job compared to those who are not. Businesses need to ensure they provide safety related training to its employees and has developed training guidelines to further equip employers with the tools they need to provide accurate information.

If you need any further information please contact us today on 07770 302504 or email