Chemical Storage

When you’re storing hazardous materials, you need to provide the best possible levels of protection for employees, the environment, and obviously the premises.

COSHH icons warningHowever, that one-time purchase of such technical equipment isn’t going to be enough. In fact, it’s merely the starting point. During operation, regular maintenance by a competent individual will ensure that the protective measures required by law also function properly and provide the correct safeguards.

The Government and the HSE have issued strict regulations for the handling of hazardous substances to protect people and the environment. So for example, the potentially harmful impact of toxic and aggressive chemicals.

In the case of equipment to store hazardous substances in the workplace the use of strong metal storage cabinets are one of the best solutions. They can be easily maintained and locked.  The Government prescribes regular testing to ensure that it functions correctly. The basic requirements in relation to testing regimes are set out in legislation and covered by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Handle with care the use of safety storage cabinets and workstations, for the storage and handling of hazardous substances has become an established procedure in many of today’s organizations. So when you have to store any chemicals, you need to make sure that you have the correct storage and it’s fit for purpose.

In terms of health and safety at work, it is the duty of every employer to ensure as far as reasonably practical, the health, safety, and welfare of all employees, whilst they’re at work. It is generally an employer’s duty in particular, the provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are, again, as far as reasonably practical safe and without risk.

We also have dangerous substances and explosive regulations. You need to conduct a risk assessment of the chemicals used and the working and maintenance systems that you follow in your workplace. Implement all the required details into your risk assessment and safe systems of work. The workplace includes the location of the equipment? How should it be designed? How should it be constructed and maintained? And to prevent any release of dangerous substances can accumulate in sufficient quantities that could ignite and could result in a fire or explosion or indeed any other events that could lead to injury.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 require that equipment provided for use at work is safe, maintained and in a safe condition and inspected. To ensure that work equipment doesn’t deteriorate in the extent that may put people at risk, employees and other people in positions of control are required to keep it maintained in a good condition and state of repair. I would suggest having a documented maintenance sheet this can be carried out daily, could be weekly, could be monthly. So, make sure you follow your risk assessment.

If you need any further information on COSHH, the cabinets or just to keep everything safe, please contact Joanne at Chestnut Associates.