Recent site visits

As a normal part of my client working month I have to carry out site visits and audits.

This month has been like no other in the fact it’s the same non compliances on a regular basis.

Fire – a severely blocked and inaccessible fire assembly point – see image.

On my first visit this was pointed out whilst on site. Followed up by a report within 12 hours. Then 10 days later for my 2nd visit it was even worse. They had to dig up the driveway entrance to carry out some changes to the pipework for the swimming pool hence the need to get a digger in.

What they didn’t do was to relocate the fire assembly point to a safe location.

Again this was raised when I was on site.

Totally non-compliant!!

There were also fire extinguishers located in many unnecessary areas.

The cable management was also a disaster as there were many hanging down too low. There was even a low hanging one at the top of a set of stairs – so so dangerous!! See image.

health and safety site visits
health and safety site visits