Here are a few suggestions to consider before you finish for Xmas – Happy and Safe Holidays!!
- Check all alarms, CCTV and security systems are working correctly – including your back-ups.
- Clean out all food areas such as fridges and cupboards.
- Empty all bins in all areas of the workplace.
- Maybe get some timers for lights.
- Check all appliances that rely on batteries.
- Water all plants.
- Organise for a deep clean in all areas including sanitising areas this year.
- Check fire doors are not blocked.
- Test fire alarms and any other fire systems.
- Ensure all back ups are carried out.
- Have you locked away all confidential files and paperwork.
- Have you shredded and arranged for delivery of sensitive documentation.
- Are staff aware of holiday dates and additional duties they may have to carry out?
- Have you added your business hours to your website and social media?
- Do you have an emergency number that needs to be displayed anywhere?
- Have your emails got “out of office” reply set up and does your answering machine have the correct message?
- Lock all windows and doors.
- Do you need to organise cleaners or keys to anyone else for maintenance etc?
- Have you made arrangements for any deliveries?
And lastly have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!