Face Fit Testing

I have been asked many many times to carry this out for clients and staff. So I gave in and added this to my toolbox of qualifications.

I encounter many times whilst on sites types of dust whether its silica or wood dust from the trades.

There are other trades that also need face fit tests.

I enjoyed my training session and pleased to say I passed!! Just click on the image to see the full certificate.

I have since ordered my testing kit and are currently booking in clients to carry this test out for their staff and teams.

Face fit testing is designed to provide workers with the best protection against the effects of hazardous materials. It can ensure the best possible seal to your face, reducing the chances of any dangerous particles entering the mask and being inhaled.

A major cause of leaks is a poor fit. As you know people come in all shapes and sizes so no mask is going to be able to protect everyone.

Fit testing will ensure that the equipment selected is suitable for the wearer and will protect as much as possible.